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 ratingAna Sayfa  >>Brookfield Viskozimetre >>DV-II+ Pro Serisi Viskometreler

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DV-II+ Pro Serisi Viskometreler

DV-II Pro Viskozimetre
Programable DV-II+ PRO Digital Viscometer Our Most Versatile Viscometer Now Compatible with Rheocalc® software for automated viscosity testing via PC. The DV-II+ PRO Digital Viscometer combines traditional Brookfield accuracy, reliability, and versatility with the advantages of electronic sensing, display, and output. When controlled by PC, the DV-II+ PRO becomes a Rheometer with variable speed capability from 0.01 to 200 rpm.   Features And Benefits Continuous display of: Viscosity (cP or mPa·s), Temperature (°C or °F), Shear Rate, Shear Stress, % Torque, Spindle 54 selectable speeds provide superior range of viscosity/shear measurements for use in stand-alone operation Automated program control by PC running optional Rheocalc® software; speed control from 0.01 to 200 rpm. LV, RV, HA, and HB torque ranges available...    Built-in RTD temperature probe for sample monitoring Easy-to-use keypad for simple selection of test parameters Auto Range feature to display viscosity limits Customizable options Download custom programs with DV Loader software (included) Parallel printer, serial RS-232, and analog voltage outputs Automatic data collection and historical comparison with optional WingatherT software Complete with appropriate spindles, DV Loader program, viscometer stand, guard leg, and carrying case Options Also available in a Wells/Brookfield Cone/Plate version Rheocalc® software for control by PC WingatherT data collection software Works with all standard Brookfield Accessories
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 DV II Pro Viskozimetre / Kuru Aküler - Jel Aküler - Kesintisiz Güç Kaynakları - Voltaj Regülatörleri - Redresörler
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